Zoo Photo Shoot.

No, this post isn't what you might think. I'm mostly okay with zoos, at least the ones I've experienced. When the enclosures are enriched, spacious, and have private shelters for the animals, I think they are no bad thing! They can educate kids and adults alike, and besides, a lot of the animals were donated... Continue Reading →

It’s Seasonal.

I'm procrastinating a paper, so decided that instead of typing something up (which feels wrong, seeing as if I'm typing I should be doing it about Boulez and Debussy), I'd put up a series of photos. Theme: seasons. Everyone has to do a 'seasons' themed portfolio, right? Procrastination complete. But wait: Bonus.

Photo-Bombing Parrots.

Today is a day of photo-bombing. I was actually trying to get something more to this effect: But no sooner had I snapped that picture, then Mishka nipped in again. That was the end of my attempt to photograph anything other than her. Mishka loves to model... The phenomenon seems to have been contagious, as... Continue Reading →

Sometimes It’s Sunny in Scotland.

But not often. I slept late this morning, and so did the birds. When I got everyone up, it was stunningly bright. Sun, at this time of year in Scotland? We took advantage. Everyone basked in the sunbeams and I snapped some photos while it lasted. Afterward the sun vanished behind the inevitable clouds, Maverick and... Continue Reading →

Silence is the Worst Thing a Parrot Owner Can Hear.

The most horrifying sound a bird owner can hear is the absence of noise. Silence. Nothing good ever came of silent parrots. Second to that is the sound of crunching paper. You probably know what it's like: It's fairly quiet, and you're already kind of listening up. It's then you hear a faint, tell-tale rustle. Whip around and look,... Continue Reading →

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